robinson crusoé 2 pdf
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Este é o primeiro volume da coleção “Clássicos da Literatura em Quadrinhos”. 0000005593 00000 n The usage I had there was not so dreadful as at first I apprehended; nor was I carried up the country to the emperor's court, as the rest of our men were, but was kept by the captain of the rover as his proper prize, and made his slave, being young and nimble, and fit for his business. However, we had not a man touched, all our men keeping close. … Robinson Crusoé – Mesmo não sendo nenhum herói chamativo ou grande aventureiro épico, Robinson Crusoé exibe traços de caráter que ganharam a aprovação de gerações de leitores. By the best of my calculation, that place where I now was must be that country which, lying between the Emperor of Morocco's dominions and the negroes, lies waste and uninhabited, except by wild beasts; the negroes having abandoned it and gone farther south for fear of the Moors, and the Moors not thinking it worth inhabiting by reason of its barrenness; and indeed, both forsaking it because of the prodigious number of tigers, lions, leopards, and other furious creatures which harbour there; so that the Moors use it for their hunting only, where they go like an army, two or three thousand men at a time; and indeed for near a hundred miles together upon this coast we saw nothing but a waste, uninhabited country by day, and heard nothing but howlings and roaring of wild beasts by night. But as soon as it grew dusk in the evening, I changed my course, and steered directly south and by east, bending my course a little towards the east, that I might keep in with the shore; and having a fair, fresh gale of wind, and a smooth, quiet sea, I made such sail that I believe by the next day, at three o'clock in the afternoon, when I first made the land, I could not be less than one hundred and fifty miles south of Sallee; quite beyond the Emperor of Morocco's dominions, or indeed of any other king thereabouts, for we saw no people. After we had fished some time and caught nothing - for when I had fish on my hook I would not pull them up, that he might not see them - I said to the Moor, "This will not do; our master will not be thus served; we must stand farther off." "But," said I, "you swim well enough to reach to the shore, and the sea is calm; make the best of your way to shore, and I will do you no harm; but if you come near the boat I'll shoot you through the head, for I am resolved to have my liberty;" so he turned himself about, and swam for the shore, and I make no doubt but he reached it with ease, for he was an excellent swimmer. However, we got well in again, though with a great deal of labour and some danger; for the wind began to blow pretty fresh in the morning; but we were all very hungry. However, I said no more to the boy, but bade him lie still, and I took our biggest gun, which was almost musket-bore, and loaded it with a good charge of powder, and with two slugs, and laid it down; then I loaded another gun with two bullets; and the third (for we had three pieces) I loaded with five smaller bullets. "Well, Xury," said I, "then I won't; but it may be that we may see men by day, who will be as bad to us as those lions." However, Xury could not cut off his head, but he cut off a foot, and brought it with him, and it was a monstrous great one. Robinson Crusoé se présente au lecteur Je suis né en l’année 1632. But our patron, warned by this disaster, resolved to take more care of himself for the future; and having lying by him the longboat of our English ship that he had taken, he resolved he would not go a- fishing any more without a compass and some provision; so he ordered the carpenter of his ship, who also was an English slave, to build a little state-room, or cabin, in the middle of the long- boat, like that of a barge, with a place to stand behind it to steer, and haul home the main-sheet; the room before for a hand or two to stand and work the sails. I asked him why he would go? Página 30 << Página Anterior: Página Seguinte >> II. Xury, looked frighted, and said, "Me kill! Read Online and Download Full PDF Of Robinson Crusoe: About Robin Crusoe: Robin Crusoe is a novel that was written by Daniel Defoe. 2°)Daniel Defoe (1630-1731) s’inspire pour son récit de l’aventure d’un marin écossais, Alexandre Selkirk, qui est parvenu à survivre, peut-être même à bien vivre, seul quatre ans sur l’île de Mas a Tierra, dans l’océan Pacifique. I had no sooner said so, but I perceived the creature (whatever it was) within two oars' length, which something surprised me; however, I immediately stepped to the cabin door, and taking up my gun, fired at him; upon which he immediately turned about and swam towards the shore again. We went frequently out with this boat a-fishing; and as I was most dexterous to catch fish for him, he never went without me. I want to travel. Robinson Crusoe é um romance escrito por Daniel Defoe e publicado originalmente em 1719 no Reino Unido. trailer So I gave Xury a piece of rusk bread to eat, and a dram out of our patron's case of bottles which I mentioned before; and we hauled the boat in as near the shore as we thought was proper, and so waded on shore, carrying nothing but our arms and two jars for water. We had a lot of money. My father is a good man. Assurez-vous d'être sur le site de la Bibliothèque: Il jouit de tous les soins et de la bonne éducation que peut lui procurer une famille qui le destine à devenir avocat. It happened that he had appointed to go out in this boat, either for pleasure or for fish, with two or three Moors of some distinction in that place, and for whom he had provided extraordinarily, and had, therefore, sent on board the boat overnight a larger store of provisions than ordinary; and had ordered me to get ready three fuses with powder and shot, which were on board his ship, for that they designed some sport of fowling as well as fishing. It was my lot first of all to fall into pretty good company in London, which does not always happen to such loose and misguided young fellows as I then was; the devil generally not omitting to lay some snare for them very early; but it was not so with me. This captain taking a fancy to my conversation, which was not at all disagreeable at that time, hearing me say I had a mind to see the world, told me if I would go the voyage with him I should be at no expense; I should be his messmate and his companion; and if I could carry anything with me, I should have all the advantage of it that the trade would admit; and perhaps I might meet with some encouragement. Yet such was the fright I had taken of the Moors, and the dreadful apprehensions I had of falling into their hands, that I would not stop, or go on shore, or come to an anchor; the wind continuing fair till I had sailed in that manner five days; and then the wind shifting to the southward, I concluded also that if any of our vessels were in chase of me, they also would now give over; so I ventured to make to the coast, and came to an anchor in the mouth of a little river, I knew not what, nor where, neither what latitude, what country, what nation, or what river. 0000000016 00000 n this was but a taste of the misery I was to go through, as will appear in the sequel of this story. Title: A ARVORE Author: kythao Subject: A ARVORE Created Date: 191000414095946 I neither saw, nor desired to see any people; the principal thing I wanted was fresh water. 0000002856 00000 n "Well, Xury," said I, "we will both go and if the wild mans come, we will kill them, they shall eat neither of us." 0000154727 00000 n When he was gone, I turned to the boy, whom they called Xury, and said to him, "Xury, if you will be faithful to me, I'll make you a great man; but if you will not stroke your face to be true to me" - that is, swear by Mahomet and his father's beard - "I must throw you into the sea too." The book is presented as an autobiography of the title character whose birth name is Robinson Kreutznaer. But I have a dream. Here I meditated nothing but my escape, and what method I might take to effect it, but found no way that had the least probability in it; nothing presented to make the supposition of it rational; for I had nobody to communicate it to that would embark with me - no fellow-slave, no Englishman, Irishman, or Scotchman there but myself; so that for two years, though I often pleased myself with the imagination, yet I never had the least encouraging prospect of putting it in practice. Hijo de un comerciante de velas, fue educado para el ministerio eclesiástico, proyecto que abandonó muy pronto para dedicarse al comercio. bien étrange et surprenant destin que celui de Robinson Crusoé. It may be we may kill some alcamies (a fowl like our curlews) for ourselves, for I know he keeps the gunner's stores in the ship." x��XlU�~w��Re��v���S�"F�s7l ����hI�,C�@L[l��B�}�J�wY���U+�����Y]M�Q�ץ'�F�X/�����;mM���ם��y�_�|� ��o� �������K��\�p��.mY�E���ȋ� ��^��/*M? Robinson Crusoé. I thought he was pursued by some savage, or frighted with some wild beast, and I ran forward towards him to help him; but when I came nearer to him I saw something hanging over his shoulders, which was a creature that he had shot, like a hare, but different in colour, and longer legs; however, we were very glad of it, and it was very good meat; but the great joy that poor Xury came with, was to tell me he had found good water and seen no wild mans. But this hope of mine was soon taken away; for when he went to sea, he left me on shore to look after his little garden, and do the common drudgery of slaves about his house; and when he came home again from his cruise, he ordered me to lie in the cabin to look after the ship. I am eighteen years old. It happened one time, that going a-fishing in a calm morning, a fog rose so thick that, though we were not half a league from the shore, we lost sight of it; and rowing we knew not whither or which way, we laboured all day, and all the next night; and when the morning came we found we had pulled off to sea instead of pulling in for the shore; and that we were at least two leagues from the shore. We plied them with small shot, half-pikes, powder-chests, and such like, and cleared our deck of them twice. We are a good family. Título original: Robinson Crusoé Adaptação e roteiro: Christophe Lemoine Desenhos e cores: Jean-Christophe Vergne Tradução: Alexandre Boide Preparação: Gustavo de Azambuja Feix Revisão: Guilherme da Silva Braga CIP-Brasil. Descargar Robinson Crusoe, de Daniel Defoe. La vie et les aventures de Robinson Crusoé (IA lavieetlesaventu00defo).pdf 700 × 1,104, 392 pages; 34.47 MB Den verklige Robinson Crusoe's lefverne och äfventyr.djvu 1,390 × … It was first published on 25 th April, 1719. At the same time I had found some powder of my master's in the great cabin, with which I filled one of the large bottles in the case, which was almost empty, pouring what was in it into another; and thus furnished with everything needful, we sailed out of the port to fish. About three in the afternoon he came up with us, and bringing to, by mistake, just athwart our quarter, instead of athwart our stern, as he intended, we brought eight of our guns to bear on that side, and poured in a broadside upon him, which made him sheer off again, after returning our fire, and pouring in also his small shot from near two hundred men which he had on board. He prepared to attack us again, and we to defend ourselves. I conveyed also a great lump of beeswax into the boat, which weighed about half a hundred-weight, with a parcel of twine or thread, a hatchet, a saw, and a hammer, all of which were of great use to us afterwards, especially the wax, to make candles. Capítulo 2: Capítulo 2. I had two brothers and one sister. I have one sister. He rose immediately, for he swam like a cork, and called to me, begged to be taken in, told me he would go all over the world with me. I looked where he pointed, and saw a dreadful monster indeed, for it was a terrible, great lion that lay on the side of the shore, under the shade of a piece of the hill that hung as it were a little over him. I want to see the world. I have a good life. Baixar PDF Leia online. — Robinson jedzie kupować niewolników i rozbija się po raz drugi z okrętem. He said that was true; so he brought a large basket of rusk or biscuit, and three jars of fresh water, into the boat. Be that as it would, we were obliged to go on shore somewhere or other for water, for we had not a pint left in the boat; when and where to get to it was the point. Such English Xury spoke by conversing among us slaves. But we found afterwards that we need not take such pains for water, for a little higher up the creek where we were we found the water fresh when the tide was out, which flowed but a little way up; so we filled our jars, and feasted on the hare he had killed, and prepared to go on our way, having seen no footsteps of any human creature in that part of the country. We crowded also as much canvas as our yards would spread, or our masts carry, to get clear; but finding the pirate gained upon us, and would certainly come up with us in a few hours, we prepared to fight; our ship having twelve guns, and the rogue eighteen. I could have been content to have taken this Moor with me, and have drowned the boy, but there was no venturing to trust him. My name is Robinson. This moment my former notions of deliverance darted into my thoughts, for now I found I was likely to have a little ship at my command; and my master being gone, I prepared to furnish myself, not for fishing business, but for a voyage; though I knew not, neither did I so much as consider, whither I should steer - anywhere to get out of that place was my desire. My father is German. 1339 0 obj<>stream Several times I was obliged to land for fresh water, after we had left this place; and once in particular, being early in morning, we came to an anchor under a little point of land, which was pretty high; and the tide beginning to flow, we lay still to go farther in. "Then we give them the shoot gun," says Xury, laughing, "make them run wey." Chapter 2. C'est à cette alliance que je devais mon double nom de Robinson-Kreutznaer ; mais, aujourd'hui, par une corruption de mots assez commune en Angleterre, on nous nomme, nous nous nommons et signons Crusoé. But it is impossible to describe the horrid noises, and hideous cries and howlings that were raised, as well upon the edge of the shore as higher within the country, upon the noise or report of the gun, a thing I have some reason to believe those creatures had never heard before: this convinced me that there was no going on shore for us in the night on that coast, and how to venture on shore in the day was another question too; for to have fallen into the hands of any of the savages had been as bad as to have fallen into the hands of the lions and tigers; at least we were equally apprehensive of the danger of it.
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