hegel : biographie
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Gintinkangan niya han Hegelianismo nga bahin han Aleman nga Ideyalismo. His father, Georg Ludwig, was Rentkammersekretär (secretary to the revenue office) at the court of Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg. Kant used the term Veränderung (change) instead of Werden, however, and the designation of ontological categories by name is itself a complex topic. To the contrary, the fundamental notion of Hegel's dialectic is that things or ideas have internal contradictions. According to Hegel, Heraclitus's "obscurity" comes from his being a true (in Hegel's terms "speculative") philosopher who grasped the ultimate philosophical truth and therefore expressed himself in a way that goes beyond the abstract and limited nature of common sense and is difficult to grasp by those who operate within common sense. For Hegel, the inner movement of reality is the process of God thinking as manifested in the evolution of the universe of nature and thought; Hegel argued that, when fully understood, reality is being thought by God as manifested in a person's comprehension of this process. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, histoire et biographie de Hegel. In a separate Canadian context, James Doull's philosophy is deeply Hegelian. Having received his theological certificate (Konsistorialexamen) from the Tübingen Seminary, Hegel became Hofmeister (house tutor) to an aristocratic family in Bern (1793–1796). The Left Hegelians, also known as the Young Hegelians, interpreted Hegel in a revolutionary sense, leading to an advocation of atheism in religion and liberal democracy in politics. Son ouvre est l'une des plus représentatives de l'Idéalisme allemand et a eu une influence décisive sur l'ensemble de la philosophie du XXe siècle. "[91] Hegel went so far as to include the concept of life as a category in his Science of Logic, likely inspired by Aristotle's emphasis on teleology, as well as Kant's treatment of Naturzweck (natural purposiveness) in the Critique of Judgment. They both know their obligations and choose to fulfill them. Kant imported Plato's high esteem of individual sovereignty into his considerations of moral and noumenal freedom as well as of God. [112][113][114], Hegel conceived of the immortality of the soul in the following manner in reference to Christianity:[115][116], Thus the immortality of the soul must not be represented as first entering the sphere of reality only at a later stage; it is the actual present quality of spirit; spirit is eternal, and for this reason is already present. [84] Others, such as Hans-Georg Gadamer, believe that Hegel's course in the Logic is determined primarily by the associations of ordinary words in the German language. Born on 27 August 1770 in Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a philosopher, author, and a key component among classical German philosophers. When he entered the Latin School two years later, he already knew the first declension, having been taught it by his mother. The State subsumes family and civil society and fulfills them. The State is "objective spirit" so "it is only through being a member of the state that the individual himself has objectivity, truth, and ethical life" (section 258). This focus on freedom is what generates Plato's notion (in the Phaedo, Republic and Timaeus) of the soul as having a higher or fuller kind of reality than that possessed by inanimate objects. He also studied the critical philosopher Immanuel Kant and was stimulated by his essay on religion to write certain papers that became noteworthy only when, more than a century later, they were published as a part of Hegels theologische Jugendschriften (1907; Early Theological Writings). It does not occur anywhere in, "One of the few things on which the analysts, pragmatists, and existentialists agree with the dialectical theologians is that Hegel is to be repudiated: their attitude toward Kant, Aristotle, Plato, and the other great philosophers is not at all unanimous even within each movement; but opposition to Hegel is part of the platform of all four, and of the Marxists, too.". In addition to some articles published early in his career and during his Berlin period, Hegel published four major works during his lifetime: During the last ten years of his life, Hegel did not publish another book but thoroughly revised the Encyclopedia (second edition, 1827; third, 1830). Resources on Georg Hegel "Hegel, Georg" in Penny Cyclopedia, 1838 "Hegel, Georg" in 1880, Allgemeine Deutsche Biography [] "Hegel, Georg", in L.B. [59][77] His last words are said to have been, "There was only one man who ever understood me, and even he didn't understand me. A number of other works on the philosophy of history, religion, aesthetics and the history of philosophy[123] were compiled from the lecture notes of his students and published posthumously. Hegel’s attitude, however, rested on the faith that history is the enactment of God’s purpose and that humans had now advanced far enough to descry what that purpose is: it is the gradual realization of human freedom. Unable to find more suitable employment, Hegel reluctantly accepted. [125] After less than a generation, Hegel's philosophy was banned by the Prussian right-wing and was firmly rejected by the left-wing in multiple official writings. This view, sometimes referred to as the "non-metaphysical option", has influenced many major English-language studies of Hegel. Achat Hegel - Biographie à prix bas sur Rakuten. The rational, self-conscious whole is not a thing or being that lies outside of other existing things or minds. This research program took on new meaning with the 1781 publication of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. For other uses, see, Articles related to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Bern (1793–1796) and Frankfurt (1797–1801). 2008. In accordance with his wishes, Hegel was buried in the Dorotheenstadt cemetery next to Fichte and Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger. Hegel's influence was immense in philosophy and other sciences. With the possible exception of the study of inference, what was called "logic" in nineteenth-century Europe (and so Hegel's Logic) bears little resemblance to what logicians study today. He lectured on "Logic and Metaphysics" and gave lectures with Schelling on an "Introduction to the Idea and Limits of True Philosophy" and facilitated a "philosophical disputorium". Hegel, at this time, envisaged his future as that of a Popularphilosoph, (a "man of letters") who serves to make the abstruse ideas of philosophers accessible to a wider public; his own felt need to engage critically with the central ideas of Kantianism did not come until 1800. Søren Kierkegaard Concluding Unscientific Postscriptt. Hegel enseigne la philosophie sous la forme d'un système de tous les savoirs suivant une logique dialectique. the subjective side of knowledge and will, with its life, movement, and activity" (thesis and antithesis), he did not use "synthesis", but instead spoke of the "Whole": "We then recognised the State as the moral Whole and the Reality of Freedom, and consequently as the objective unity of these two elements". [80], The Science of Logic (which the latter Hegel considered central to his philosophy) can be considered a notable contribution to the research program of category metaphysics in its post-Kantian form, taking up the project that Kant suggested is necessary but did not himself pursue: "to take note of and, as far as possible, completely catalog" the derivative concepts of the pure understanding and "completely illustrate its family tree. His philosophy inspired late 19th-century idealists such F.H. In 1818, Hegel accepted the renewed offer of the chair of philosophy at the University of Berlin, which had remained vacant since Johann Gottlieb Fichte's death in 1814. [75]:207–208, In 1819–1827, he made two trips to Weimar, where he met Goethe, and to Brussels, the Northern Netherlands, Leipzig, Vienna, Prague, and Paris.[76]. [136] The Swiss theologian Hans Küng has also advanced contemporary Hegelian scholarship. As a graduate of a Protestant seminary, Hegel's theological concerns were reflected in many of his writings and lectures. The Right Hegelians, the allegedly direct disciples of Hegel at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, advocated a Protestant orthodoxy and the political conservatism of the post-Napoleon Restoration period. His hopes of more companionship, however, were unfulfilled: Hölderlin was engrossed in an illicit love affair and shortly lost his reason. Sélection par ordre chronologique des publications en français aux XX e et XXI e siècles. [63] They watched the unfolding of the French Revolution with shared enthusiasm. Hegel wrote that, ...profounder insight into the antinomial, or more truly into the dialectical nature of reason demonstrates any Concept [Begriff] whatsoever to be a unity of opposed elements [Momente] to which, therefore, the form of antinomial assertions could be given.[82]. For this reason, Hegel's Logic begins with the summum genus, "Being, pure Being," ("and God has the absolutely undisputed right that the beginning be made with him"[83]) from which are derived more concrete concepts such as becoming, determinate being, something, and infinity. Hegel und die Entstehung der Gesellschaftstheorie, New York 1941 (englischsprachig), Darmstadt und Neuwied 1962 u. ö. Biography Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in Stuttgart in 1770; his father was a civil servant. [95]:146 Rather than stress the singularity of each factor that complements and conflicts with the others, the relationship between finite and infinite (and particular and universal, and nature and freedom) becomes intelligible as a progressively developing and self-perfecting whole. Pelczynski, A.Z. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Museum Tusculanum Press. He read and made clippings from English newspapers, wrote about the internal affairs of his native Wurtemberg, and studied economics. Now in a weak state of health, Hegel seldom went out. Hegel's system is often presented in the form of a Sierpiński triangle due to his tendency to group concepts by triads. [149] This concept of Hegel as a hermetic thinker was elaborated by Glenn Alexander Magee,[150] who argued that interpreting Hegel's body of work as an expression of mysticism and hermetic ideas leads to a more accurate understanding of Hegel. the French Revolution) would cause the creation of its "antithesis" (e.g. [98], Central to Hegel's conception of knowledge, mind, and reality was identity in difference; mind externalizes itself in various forms and objects and stands outside or opposed to them and, through recognizing itself in them, is "with itself" in these external manifestations so that they are at one and the same time mind and other-than-mind. Kaufmann also pointed out that Hegel's references to God or to the divine and spirit drew on classical Greek as well as Christian connotations of the terms. Mr. Pinkard talked about his book Hegel: A Biography, published by Cambridge University . While Aristotle criticized Plato's "Forms", he preserved Plato's ontological implications for self-determination: ethical reasoning, the soul's pinnacle in the hierarchy of nature, the order of the cosmos and reasoned arguments for a prime mover. Comme l’a fait remarquer Terry Pinkard dans sa biographie de Hegel : “Aussi rebelle qu’il fût contre les voies du Séminaire de Hegel, il est devenu est resté l’homme travailleur et sérieux qu’il a toujours été ; ses amis à la le Séminaire le surnommait”le vieil homme" (…). Si vous êtes fan de lecture depuis des années, découvrez sans plus tarder toutes nos offres et nos bonnes affaires exceptionnelles pour l'acquisition d'un produit Hegel - Biographie. Hegel's categories are, in part, carried over from his Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Modern philosophy, culture and society seemed to Hegel fraught with contradictions and tensions, such as those between the subject and object of knowledge, mind and nature, self and Other, freedom and authority, knowledge and faith, or the Enlightenment and Romanticism. [132] Believing that the traditional description of Hegel's philosophy in terms of thesis–antithesis–synthesis was mistaken, a few scholars like Raya Dunayevskaya have attempted to discard the triadic approach. Scholars continue to point out Hegelian influences in a range of theoretical and/or learned works, such as Carl von Clausewitz's book on strategic thought, On War (1831). the constitutional state of free citizens). He determined ontology as absolute logic; he assembled all the delimitations of philosophy as presence," later remarking that Hegel is thus "the last philosopher of the book and the first philosopher of writing," indicating the relation of Hegel to post-structural thought by stating "if there were a definition of Différance, it would be precisely the limit, the interruption, the destruction of the Hegelian dialectical synthesis wherever it operates. (Hegel, "How the Ordinary Human Understanding Takes Philosophy as displayed in the works of Mr. Krug", Jon Bartley Stewart. Although the violence of the 1793 Reign of Terror dampened Hegel's hopes, he continued to identify with the moderate Girondin faction and never lost his commitment to the principles of 1789, which he expressed by drinking a toast to the storming of the Bastille every fourteenth of July.[64]. Hegel sees relational and metaphysical unities between Jesus and God the Father. The triadic form that appears in many places in Hegel (e.g. [151], "Hegel" redirects here. Indeed, "logic" in the field of nineteenth-century continental philosophy takes on a range of meanings from "metaphysics" to "theory of science," from "critical epistemology" to "first philosophy." Mit Kommentar zur Einführung in seine Philosophie, Heidelberg 1949. His father, Georg Ludwig, was Rentkammersekretär (secretary to the revenue office) at the court of Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg. [100] Broadly speaking, the term was split, like Hegel's followers, to the political left and right. Although Hegel began his philosophizing with commentary on the Christian religion and often expresses the view that he is a Christian, his ideas are not acceptable to some Christians even though he has had a major influence on 19th- and 20th-century theology. In the United States, Hegel's influence is evident in pragmatism. According to their argument, although Hegel referred to "the two elemental considerations: first, the idea of freedom as the absolute and final aim; secondly, the means for realising it, i.e. His influence has been as fertile in the reactions that he precipitated—in Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish existentialist; in the Marxists, who turned to social action; in the logical positivists; and in G.E. Philosophe idéaliste allemand (1770-1831) auteur de la Phénoménologie de l'esprit, qui fut l'un des penseurs les plus influents du XIXe siècle. [127] Kaufmann has argued that as unlikely as it may sound, it is not the case that Hegel was unable to write clearly, but that Hegel felt that "he must and should not write in the way in which he was gifted".[128]. E. Metzke, Hegels Vorreden. Published in 2000, this is the first major biography of Hegel in English. Logic, particularly the doctrine of the concept, was metaphysics; it was the search for a fundamental ontological structure within the relations of the most basic predicates (quantity, time, place etc. [37] Paul Tillich wrote that the historical dialectical thought of Hegel "has influenced world history more profoundly than any other structural analysis. She died of bilious fever(Gallenfieber) when Hegel w… Schopenhauer, Arthur. In 1805, the university promoted Hegel to the position of Extraordinary Professor (unsalaried) after he wrote a letter to the poet and minister of culture Johann Wolfgang Goethe protesting the promotion of his philosophical adversary Jakob Friedrich Fries ahead of him. His work, following upon that of Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, and Friedrich Schelling, thus marks the pinnacle of classical German philosophy. [107] His thoughts on the person of Jesus Christ stood out from the theologies of the Enlightenment. [120], Hegel continued to develop his thoughts on religion both in terms of how it was to be given a 'wissenschaftlich', or "theoretically rigorous," account in the context of his own "system," and how a fully modern religion could be understood.[121]. The result of this argument is that finite and infinite—particular and universal, nature and freedom—do not face one another as independent realities, but instead the latter, in each case, is the self-transcending of the former. If you want to love you must serve, if you want freedom you must die. The idea of the absolute excludes multiplicity so the subjective and objective must achieve synthesis to become whole. He studied in Stuttgart, and after graduating from the gymnasium there he began to study philosophy and theology in the seminary in Tübingen. Critiques of Hegel offered by the Left Hegelians radically diverted Hegel's thinking into new directions and eventually came to form a large part of the literature on and about Hegel. [143] Russell wrote in A History of Western Philosophy (1945) that Hegel was "the hardest to understand of all the great philosophers". Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Stuttgart, actual Alemania, 1770 - Berlín, 1831) Filósofo alemán. On leaving college, Hegel did not enter the ministry; instead, wishing to have leisure for the study of philosophy and Greek literature, he became a private tutor. Richard Rojcewicz), CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Insole, C. J., "The Origin of Evil and the Incoherence of Noumenal First Causation", in. For his god, Hegel does not take the logos of Heraclitus but refers to the nous of Anaxagoras, although he may well have regarded them the same as he continues to refer to god's plan, which is identical to God. He is considered one of the fundamental figures of modern Western philosophy, with his influence extending to the entire range of contemporary philosophical issues, from aesthetics to ontology to politics, both in the analytic and continental tradition. ); 1984; "[T]he task that touches the interest of philosophy most nearly at the present moment: to put God back at the peak of philosophy, absolutely prior to all else as the one and only ground of everything." Today this faction continues among conservative Protestants, such as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which was founded by missionaries from Germany when the Hegelian Right was active. Il défend dans un ouvrage la pensée de son ami Schelling contre celle de Fichte, ce qui le fait connaître. His views were widely taught, and his students were highlyregarded. (deutschsprachig). "[55][56] Heidegger in various places further stated Hegel's thinking to be "the most powerful thinking of modern times. Soon after, his illegitimate son Ludwig Fischer (now ten years old) joined the Hegel household in April 1817, having spent time in an orphanage[59]:354–55 after the death of his mother Christiana Burkhardt.[59]:356. Beginning in the 1960s, Anglo-American Hegel scholarship has challenged the traditional interpretation of Hegel as offering a metaphysical system: this has also been the approach of Z. Here he studied philosophy and classics for two years and graduated in 1790. As an absolute idealist inspired by Christian insights and grounded in his mastery of a fantastic fund of concrete knowledge, Hegel found a place for everything—logical, natural, human, and divine—in a dialectical scheme that repeatedly swung from thesis to antithesis and back again to a higher and richer synthesis. [59]:548 Early the following year, Hegel's sister Christiane committed suicide by drowning. In 1788 Hegel went as a student to Tübingen with a view to taking orders, as his parents wished. Authors he read include the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock and writers associated with the Enlightenment, such as Christian Garve and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [60] Hegel had a sister, Christiane Luise (1773–1832); and a brother, Georg Ludwig (1776–1812), who perished as an officer during Napoleon's 1812 Russian campaign. From the time of Leibniz to the widespread adoption of Frege's logic in the 1930s, every standard work on logic consisted of three divisions: doctrines of concept, judgment, and inference. After the period of Bruno Bauer, Hegel's influence waned until the philosophy of British Idealism and the 20th-century Hegelian Western Marxism that began with György Lukács. Hegel preserved this essential Platonic and Kantian concern in the form of infinity going beyond the finite (a process that Hegel in fact related to "freedom" and the "ought"),[95]:133–136, 138 the universal going beyond the particular (in the Concept) and Spirit going beyond Nature. The book explores the life and ideas of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich . Karen Ng writes that "there is a central, recurring rhetorical device that Hegel returns to again and again throughout his philosophical system: that of describing the activity of reason and thought in terms of the dynamic activity and development of organic life. Omissions? György Lukács' History and Class Consciousness (1923) helped to reintroduce Hegel into the Marxist canon. Martin Heidegger (trans. [147], Isaiah Berlin listed Hegel as one of the six architects of modern authoritarianism who undermined liberal democracy, along with Rousseau, Claude Adrien Helvétius, Fichte, Saint-Simon and Joseph de Maistre. Pinkard doesn't have a lot to work with in terms of human drama. The essential nature of being-for-itself is that it is free "in itself;" it does not depend on anything else for its being. [105] Pure being and pure non-being or nothingness are, for Hegel, abstractions from the reality of becoming and this is also how he interprets Heraclitus. In 1831, Frederick William III decorated him with the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd Class for his service to the Prussian state. From 1788 to 1793 he studied classics, philosophy, and theology at the University of Tübingen, earning an M.A. According to Hegel, "Heraclitus is the one who first declared the nature of the infinite and first grasped nature as in itself infinite, that is, its essence as process. The finite has to become infinite in order to achieve reality. This is because, as Hegel suggested by his introduction of the concept of "reality",[95]:111 what determines itself—rather than depending on its relations to other things for its essential character—is more fully "real" (following the Latin etymology of "real", more "thing-like") than what does not. His master–slave dialectic has been influential, especially in 20th-century France. They emphasised the compatibility between Hegel’sphilosophy and Christianity. )[35][a], Hegel has influenced many thinkers and writers whose own positions vary widely. There are views of Hegel's thought as the summit of early 19th-century German philosophical idealism. Walter Jaeschke [de] and Otto Pöggeler in Germany as well as Peter Hodgson and Howard Kainz in the United States are notable for their recent contributions to post-Soviet Union thinking about Hegel. Nevertheless, Hegel assumed that his readers are well-versed in Western philosophy. Hegel was born in Stuttgart in 1770, the son of an official in the government of the Duke of Württemberg. In 1788 he entered the Tübinger Stift, a Protestant Seminary, and became roommates … Hegel's mother, Maria Magdalena Louisa (née Fromm), was the daughter of a lawyer at the High Court of Justice at the Württemberg court. To his chagrin, Fries was, in the same year, made Ordinary Professor (salaried).[59]:224–25. [119] However, Hegel's manuscript "The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism" suggests that Hegel was concerned about the perceived decline in myth and enchantment in his age, and he therefore called for a "new myth" to fill the cultural vacuum. Sa sœur Christiane enseignera plus tard le français à Stuttgart et sera internée dans un asile psychiatrique. The more recent movement of communitarianism has a strong Hegelian influence. Hegel worked as a private tutor (1793–1801), an unpaid lecturer (1801–05) and extraordinary professor (1805–07) at the University of Jena, a newspaper editor (1807–08), a rector of an academic preparatory school (1808–16), and a professor of philosophy at the Universities of Heidelberg (1816–18) and Berlin (1818–31). The speculative identity of mind and nature suggests that reason and history progress in the direction of the Absolute by traversing various stages of relative immaturity, just like a sapling or a child, overcoming necessary setbacks and obstacles along the way (see Progress below). While in Nuremberg, Hegel adapted his recently published Phenomenology of Spirit for use in the classroom. All three together are called "ethical life" (Sittlichkeit). ; 1984; 'The Significance of Hegel's separation of the state and civil society' pp1-13 in Pelczynski, A.Z. Hegel distinguished between civil society and state in his Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Beginning in the 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, a fresh reading of Hegel took place in the West. [59]:2–3, 745 Hegel's mother, Maria Magdalena Louisa (née Fromm), was the daughter of a lawyer at the High Court of Justice at the Württemberg court. Hegel rendered these dualities intelligible by (ultimately) his argument in the "Quality" chapter of the "Science of Logic". [130], The Left Hegelians also influenced Marxism, which has in turn inspired global movements, from the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution and myriad of practices up until the present moment.[130]. His studies at the Gymnasium concluded with his Abiturrede ("graduation speech") "Der verkümmerte Zustand der Künste und Wissenschaften unter den Türken" ("The abortive state of art and scholarship in Turkey").[59]:16[61]. The State involves three "moments". Voici une biographie détaillée de Hegel (1770 – 1831). The left-wingHegelians eventually moved to an atheistic position. As the logical Idea is seen to unfold itself in a process from the abstract to the concrete, so in the history of philosophy the earliest systems are the most abstract, and thus at the same time the poorest...[86]. A. Pelczynski and Shlomo Avineri. Hegel’s major works included the Phenomenology of Spirit (1807; also called the Phenomenology of Mind); the Science of Logic, in two parts (1812 and 1816); Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1817); the Philosophy of Right (1821); and posthumously published lectures on aesthetics, the philosophy of religion, and the history of philosophy, among other topics. And although the Logic's table of contents minimally resembles Kant's table of categories, the four headings of Kant's table (quantity, quality, relation, and modality) do not play, in Hegel's dialectic, the organizational role that Kant had in mind for them, and Hegel ultimately faulted Kant for copying the table of judgments from the "modern compendiums of logic" whose subject matter is, Hegel said, in need of "total reconstruction. Looking for an examination copy? Each is avowedly influenced by the late Wilfred Sellars, also of Pittsburgh, who referred to his Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind (1956) as a series of "incipient Méditations Hegeliennes" (in homage to Edmund Husserl's 1931 Méditations cartésiennes). being–nothingness–becoming, immediate–mediate–concrete and abstract–negative–concrete) is about this movement from inner contradiction to higher-level integration or unification.
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